The world today is one presenting us with unprecedented challenges and roadblocks. Perhaps the most important question is what are we really here for? What tools do we have to we have at our disposal to make a difference so that we create and contribute to a better world? Life is short and the pursuit of wealth, pleasure, fame, and comfort occupies most….yet there is something missing. How do we nourish our souls and find meaning?

Despite our best intentions, we can sometimes get lost on our own hamster wheel. The technological era we’re now in conditions people to be hyper-active and hyper-aware, at great cost to our nervous systems and our sanity. Community is often lacking and it’s all too easy to become overwhelmed with the onslaught of bad news. Simplicity and disconnecting ourselves for a period of time can often be the remedy. Sometimes we just need to have to slow down and go within in order to come to a deeper realization.

Psychedelics can be amazing catalysts in our transformational journey. They can help us break out of our mental and physical ruts through their tendency to strip away our egos and bridge fresh mental connections. A hit of light medicine(akaLSD) or a mushroom may be just the missing ingredient required to make a quantum leap in our awareness as we struggle to find meaning amongst the chaos of today’s world. It’s certainly worth the risk and it’s worthwhile using these neglected tools in order to make the most of our existence. For those uncomfortable with risk….well you can certainly carry on with business as usual. Deep down though you may just have a nagging and subtle knowing that this life of ours has already passed a point of no return. This does not refer to an apocalyptic viewpoint but rather that the evolution of our species is pushing us to be more complete human beings interacting with all of creation.

Medicine from the psychedelic realm is rising up now for a good reason. Much like the period of upheaval in the ’60s there is an awakening of consciousness as various systems reach their breaking point. Now is the time to challenge our borders and step outside of our comfort zones to envision and manifest a better world. Our children’s future depends on us being the best we can be. If medical systems are failing us, it’s our responsibility to find the healing we need using all means available. More than ever we need to think outside of the box and find the freedom we have been craving.
Perhaps your life’s work is to honour your fellow humans and recognize the beauty around you in nature. There are numerous possibilities and we all have gifts to share.

Maybe if we’re lucky and persistent we can transcend our shadows and contribute to a resolution of the collective wounds we all carry. Perhaps a better world is only limited by our imagination…..