Exploring Death & Psychedelics: Part 1

Death, the great mystery of existence(& non-existence). Terence McKenna described it as “the black hole of biology.” Death has long been the subject of our worst fears, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Some brave souls have found that it’s possible...

Death & Psychedelics: Part 2- Therapeutic Notes

There have been several important studies related to the anxiety that often accompanies the diagnosis of cancer. Interestingly it’s not always about a fear of death or the disease itself, but anxiety over the quality of relationships in a person’s life....

Dreamwork & Psychedelic Reflections

Dreams can be viewed as messengers from our subconscious mind. They can often illuminate repressed parts of our psyche that are in need of processing in order for us to progress on our purpose & soul’s journey. Blind spots can be unmasked by paying attention...

Finding Purpose in a World Gone Mad

The world today is one presenting us with unprecedented challenges and roadblocks. Perhaps the most important question is what are we really here for? What tools do we have to we have at our disposal to make a difference so that we create and contribute to a better...
Revolutionizing 	Our Mental Health Paradigm

Revolutionizing Our Mental Health Paradigm

  There has perhaps never been a greater need for new approaches to mental health in light of how the world at large has changed in the past few years. Social isolation and draconian government policies after the pandemic have worsened poverty and community...