Is this a good idea? Sex on psychedelics may seem like a fun boundary to cross but is it really wise?
This article will refer mainly to sex on LSD (light medicine), psilocybin, 2CB, mescaline, and MDMA. Sex on ayahuasca is generally never a good idea.
This is only a brief guide meant to stimulate your own thinking on the subject.
Here are some points to consider.
Be Sure Consent Is There
If you’re with your long term partner then you’re already on the same page so no worries. Stepping into the unknown with a casual partner and then adding sex to the mix may simply be too much to handle. Consent can be tricky with altered states of consciousness so be sure that intentions and boundaries are clear before venturing down the lusty path.
Sensations Can Change
You may find that you are more sensitive when under the influence, both from touch but also at a heart level. This can lead to disappointments or just a loss of interest in sex itself. That being said, sensations can be heightened to where your orgasmic explorations take on a new dimension. This can open up whole new levels of bliss.
On the down side, your performance may not be up to standard due to so much energy taken up mentally. This can lead to awkward moments but with a little bit of humor it shouldn’t be a major concern. Flexibility will be required as well as more patience to have success in your psychedelic sexual adventure. Some substances will enhance your sense of touch & physicality though, like 2CB is sometimes said to be able to do.
It’s unlikely you’ll be able to do large or heavy doses and have great sex. Attempting to do heroic doses of a substance, attempting sex and then failing could be annoying, awful, or simply hilarious. Moderate or mild doses are likely to be the only path forward in order to have a great or good experience. Microdosing is especially suitable as it stands the least chance of negative outcomes.
MDMA has been described as being able to reduce performance anxiety by some and enable increased empathy. Lower dose LSD however is perhaps the most suitable psychedelic for the broadest number of people due to it’s notable lack of physical downsides. As we are all unique there are no solid guidelines. Some psychedelics will resonate more deeply and work better than others. We should respect this and not try to force things.
Set and Setting
The usual precautionary notes will apply. Being well supplied with water, a comfortable space, and peaceful surroundings will make all the difference. Being prepared for temperature swings can also be a great support. Starting out in a undisturbed mental state is also a huge help.
In Summary
Sex on psychedelics can be as safe as you design it to be, especially if you’re in good health. Sex is intense and so too can psychedelics be. The combination of the two can simply be too much.
With mild to moderate doses and proper preparation the two can be combined for a great experience.
Perhaps the greatest breakthroughs will come from learning how to surrender and how to let go of one’s expectations. With any luck one can deepen their intimate connections and learn more about themselves in the process.
For Further Info
see MAPS • V o l u m e X I I Nu m b e r 1 • s e x , s p i r i t , a n d p s y c h e d e l i c s 2 0 0 2