Ask yourself – Why are you you doing this?

Intention is very important. Are you seeking help with a physical, emotional , mental, or spiritual problem? Having a focus can help you get more out of the experience, but at the same time don’t get too caught up with this. Being obsessive can inhibit true healing as well. Be open to change and the possibility of hard as well as blissful experiences. We can learn from the indigenous way of taking medicine which is to respect and honour the spirit of the plant and be open to it’s teaching- whether blissful or difficult. They will see the plants as teachers not just things we use. There is a simple wisdom in this approach to medicine.

Decide on Which Substance Will Be Most Appropriate

The most commonly used psychedelics for healing journeys are ayahuasca, LSD, psilocybin, MDMA, & ketamine. This is a very brief overview, not meant to be exhaustive.

LSD (aka light medicine) will be extremely useful for some and not so much for others as we are all unique. Light medicine will sometimes be good for those who are more intellectual, stimulating their creativity but for others it will just be too stimulating in general. Psilocybin can be potent for introspective explorations but some people with sensitive stomachs will have a harder time.

Ketamine seems to have anti-depressant effects lasting for up to 2 weeks but some may not like nasal administration. MDMA has been revolutionary for PTSD, perhaps most notably in soldiers, but again it may be too stimulating for some. Finally, ayahuasca is a powerful plant brew that can effect healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels, however some may not like the purging that goes along with it, often in the form of vomiting.

Use your intuition, research, and discernment based on your own unique characteristics to determine the best substance for your own journey.

Consider Your Support

Most types of experiences will be supported in some way by either a professional therapist, a shaman, a healer, or an experienced guide. Even if you decide to experience psychedelics alone, consider a trusted friend who can be a trip-sitter, especially if you are new to the substance.


This is critical to give you a better chance to make the most of the experience and also to avoid complications.

  • Start eating healthier
  • Remove alcohol and other drugs (especially medications that interact with psychedelic substances)
  • Make sure you’re getting enough sleep
  • Fast before the experience (anywhere from 6-24 hours should suffice)
  • Explore breathing exercises and meditation
  • Engage with your heart and spirit with spiritual practice such as prayer or whatever activates your higher self

Start A Journaling Practice

Take note of what comes up for you after you commit to the experience. Your old patterns, destructive habits, and repressed trauma may all start resurfacing, weeks or months before you have the psychedelic experience. Take notes in your journal for later reflection.


Safety is key. Have a space that is comfortable and intentional, it should be ready before the experience with things like blankets and comfortable clothing, relaxed lighting and music, prepared water and snacks, and easy access to a bathroom. Turn off distractions and wifi. Ideally this is a place you can not be interrupted or disturbed.


This is the challenge of taking the insights, expanded awareness, and healing you may have gained during the experience and translating it into a lasting change. Without any active participation in the integration these may fade over time.

Your coach, healer or shaman may be helping you do this or you may be following your own path. In any case, you will need to take action and stick with it. Habits take a good 30 days or so to stick, so journaling or tracking your progress can help in this regard. Maybe your integration will be more of a spiritual one, not involving a change of habits, but a change of perspective and awareness. Integration can take many forms as we are all unique. The key is flexibility and adaptability.

Integration is often thought of as the solidification of a positive change in health or awareness after your experience. Many blessings to you on your path of continued healing and evolution!

Further Resources